Az EIT ICT Labs pályázati felhívása PhD hallgatóknak

2013. október 29.

Az EIT ICT Labs pályázatot hirdet PhD hallgatóknak.

Obtain an additional European diploma and combine �your doctoral degree with an Innovation and Entrepreneurship mind-set!

The primary goals of the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School are to develop an innovation and entrepreneurial mindset among PhD students and to set up the appropriate environment where young doctors may implementing business projects founded on their thesis research. EIT ICT Labs achieve these goals not by changing or undermining the scientific quality of the PhD degree but by empowering PhD students in research with more innovation potential.

Budapest Doctoral Training Center provides in cooperation between Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) a unique opportunity for young researchers who wish to pursue PhD studies, especially in communication software and system performance in an innovative environment in close cooperation with industries. Budapest DTC offers a doctoral education which provides full integration of both technical and business aspects of ICT.

“Excellence in communication software and system performance”

The theme of the Budapest Doctoral Training Centre is tightly linked to the action lines Networking Solutions for Future Media and Internet Technologies and Architectures.

Aim of the DTC is to develop powerful and open new ICT infrastructure, capable of delivering rich data-intensive storage services, at competitive costs, across administrative domains, ensuring quality of service, to end users in various contexts of use. The Budapest DTC’s theme focuses on the development of new communication and networking architectures.

Your application must contain the required documents:

�������� A Curriculum Vitae including details about your academic and professional career, your thesis subject and a rough estimation of the defense date.

�������� A letter of motivation – describing the subject of your thesis, how it is linked to EIT ICT Labs goals, and your views on how this I&E education may�support your future academic or business-oriented career.

�������� A letter of endorsement from your adviser, which must

o����� state that you are officially enrolled�at the higher education institute�as a doctoral student;

o����� explicitly allow you to enter the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School on ICT Innovation,- ensure the existence of proper� funding for the total expected duration of your doctoral studies

o����� assessment of� your proficiency level in English

�������� Letters of recommendation (from earlier professors or recent employers) assessing your entrepreneurial potential, the linkage of your thesis subject with EIT ICT Labs thematic areas and the expected benefits for EIT ICT Labs partners.

About EIT ICT Labs

EIT ICT Labs EIT ICT Labs is one of the first Knowledge and Innovation Communities set up by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, as an initiative of the European Union.

EIT ICT Labs´ mission is to drive European leadership in ICT innovation for economic growth and quality of life. Since 2010, EIT ICT Labs has consistently brought together researchers, academics and business linking education, research and business development, EIT ICT Labs empowers ICT top talents for the future and brings ICT innovations to life. EIT ICT Labs’ partners represent global companies, leading research centres, and top ranked universities in the field of ICT.

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