Principles of Systems Engineering (SE) and Its Industrial Applications
This presentation deals with fundamental principles of systems and industrial engineering and its application to the industry. If applied correctly during all stages of the life cycle of a research or industry project, these principles will assist in meeting technical performance requirements, in controlling project cost, and on-time delivery.
In particular, the presentation starts with the SE definition and industry illustrations, discusses functional SE levels and SE principles. Next, it presents key technical components in which a systems/industrial engineer should be at least proficient. Common errors and violations committed while practicing systems engineering are also pointed out. Avoidance of these errors by the practitioners can result in direct corporate cost-savings.
Salient features of the successful master’s and PhD programs in SE at Florida Tech are outlined. Specific curriculum, admission, and requirements matters are also presented.
Finally, SE applicability at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is presented. SE Collaboration possibility between BME and Florida Tech is discussed in the end.�
Időpont: 2012. szeptember 10. 11.00, QB F10 terem