A konferencia programja elérhető itt:
The Federated Innovation and Knowledge Centre (EIT), within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) – in cooperation with the Hungarian Astronautical Society – organizes an international conference on space research under the name of H-SPACE 2020. Following the success of previous conferences, this becomes the 6th International Conference on Research, Technology and Education of Space.
February 26, Wednesday
13:00 Greetings (in Hungarian)
László Bacsárdi, Vice President of MANT, co-chair of the Organizing Committee
13:05-13:55 Side event: workshop by the Hungarian Astronautical Socity (in Hungarian)
Paradigmaváltás az űrhajózásban: a magánűrhajók; A kereskedelmi űrhajózás fejlődése (Changing trends in space flights: development of the private sector)
14.00-14.15: Opening
Orsolya Ferencz, Ministerial Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Hassan Charaf, Dean, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, BME
Előd Both, President, Hungarian Astronautical Society
Kálmán Kovács, President, BME Space Forum
14.15-14.50: Keynote presentation: Mehtap Dufour (International Telecommunication Union). Outcome of World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) from space perspective
14:50-15:10: Poster flash talks
15:10-15:40: Poster session with coffee break
15:40-18:00: Parallel sessions – Session Science and Technology I
Invited presentation: Dániel Kristóf (Lechner Non-Profit Ltd.) Hungarian perspectives in Earth Observation
15:40-18:00: Parallel sessions – Session Education and Outreach I
Invited presentation: Rachael Dixon (Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity). Space Academy: A Journey from Hospital to Mars
19:30: Side event: AstroQuizNight (official H-SPACE 2020 event, in English, offsite)
February 27, Thursday
9:00-9:45: Welcome coffee
9:45-11:25: Session Science and Technology II
Invited presentation. Christopher A. Vasko (European Space Agency). Developing European capabilities: the push for next generation optical telecommunication technologies
Invited presentation: Chantal Cappelletti (University of Nottingham).The future of cubesats.
11:30-12:00: Poster session with coffee break
12:00-12:05 Opening of Session Education and Outreach II
János Józsa, Rector, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
12:00-12:05 Session Education and Outreach II
Invited presentation: Levente Dudás and András Gschwindt (BME). SMOG-P and ATL-1 PocketQube Class Satellites at BME
13:20-13:30 Closing remarks by László Bacsárdi, Best paper award ceremony
18:00-20:00 Side event: HTE Telecommunications Club (in Hungarian) – Outcome of the WRC-19 from Hungarian point of view