ITU World konferencia 20190912 - SPACE

2019. július 16.

Call for Papers – ITU WORLD 2019

 „Conference on space communication, space activities and risks of the IT sector for V4 countries”

September 12, 2019, Budapest, Hungary


The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade organises a side event on the ITU World Conference 2019, to introduce and promote space research and space industry in the V4 countries.

The featured topic of the conference is “Space communication, space activities, and risks of the IT sector”, however, contributions are not limited to the featured topic. The agenda of the conference addresses scientific, technological and educational aspects of space research and space activities. The conference is open professionals for participation from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary. It also provides an opportunity to showcase Hungarian scientific, technological, educational and outreach activities, related to space.

 The conference consists of three main parts, an oral presentation on space communication, space activities, and also a separate oral presentation on risks of the IT sector, both for invited lecturers from the V4 countries. The third part is a poster presentation open for universities from the V4 countries.

 We accept abstracts for poster presentations.

 Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: August 14, 2019

Notification of acceptance: August 23, 2019

Camera-ready submission of full paper: September 4, 2019

Conference: September 12, 2019


Augusztus 14-ig várjuk az absztraktokat az alábbi címre: