Rencz Márta, az Elektronikus Eszközök Tanszéke egyetemi tanára 2019. március 21-én San Jose-ban, a SEMI-THERM konferencián, az elektronikai ipar legjelentösebb termikus konferenciáján vette át a "Thermal Hall of Fame Lifetime Acheivement Award" díjat.
Electronics Cooling had a chance to chat with Dr. Rencz prior to Semi-Therm 35.
Electronics Cooling: Dr. Rencz, when did you realize that the study of electrical engineering was attractive to you?
Dr. Rencz: In high school. Originally I wanted to be a medical doctor, but then I started to understand how electronics was influencing medical treatment. And so then I thought that it might be best to use my knowledge and interest towards some combination of engineering and medicine. So I decided to go to university to study electrical engineering because, at that time, my university, the Technical University of Budapest, offered a study branch that was essentially electrical engineering for, it’s not easy to translate it to English, examining and healing patients and medicine in general. So this is what I studied for five years, and when I finished my studies I wanted to work in this field. But I received a message from my Professor (Dr. Vladimir Szekely), with whom I later worked for 30 years, inviting me to do my Ph.D studies at his department, which was electronic devices. It was a very progressive department—for example, it was the first department at the time in our university that was teaching computer programming–this is why I selected it.