About | Copyright © 2024 Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsBME
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Training information for the academic year 2024/25
Current information about the courses offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics can be found on the Faculty's website: https://vik.bme.hu/en/students/. Further information can be found on the website of the Central Academic Office (KTH): https://www.kth.bme.hu/en/.
Under Faculty Information you will find the most important information on courses, syllabuses and timetables by faculty.
Under the menu item Student Administration we have summarised the most important topics related to academic administration, such as information on enrolment before the first semester, the use of the Neptun study and financial system, and general information on the timetable for the academic year.
Under University services, we provide information on other services related to university life, including language courses, sports and mobility.
Name, address, institutional identification number of the higher education institution
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.
Institution ID: FI 23344
The student requirements system
Archived version (as of 30 June 2024): BME_Code_of_Studies_2016_mod(202402)_EN.pdf
Actual version: https://kth.bme.hu/en/for-students/rules-and-regulations/
Amount of fees and charges
Archived version (as of 30 June 2024): TJSzen.pdf
Actual version: https://eszi.bme.hu/en/benefits/
The timetable for the academic year and training periods, with specific dates for students
Fall term of academic year 2024/2025 |
26-29 August 2024 (Monday to Thursday) |
In person registration at Central Academic Office |
2 September 2024 (Monday) |
First Day of Classes |
17 September 2024 (Tuesday) |
BME Sport Day |
21 November 2024 (Thursday) |
BME Students’ Scientific Conference (TDK) |
29 November 2024 (Friday) |
BME Open Day for high school students |
6 December 2024 (Friday) |
Last Day of Classes |
9-13 December 2024 (Monday to Friday) |
Week of Repeats |
16-20 December 2024 (Monday to Friday) |
Examination Period – Part 1 |
6-25 January 2025 (Monday to Friday) |
Examination Period – Part 2 |
20 working day |
Examination Period duration |
28 January 2025, 2pm |
Deadline for entering marks |
Days off (National holiday) |
23 October 2024 (Wednesday) |
National Holiday |
1 November 2024 (Friday) |
All Saints’ Day |
Spring term of academic year 2024/2025 |
3-6 February 2025 (Monday to Thursday) |
In person registration at Central Academic Office |
10 February 2025 (Monday) |
First Day of Classes |
23 May 2025 (Friday) |
Last Day of Classes |
26-30 May 2025 (Monday to Friday) |
Week of Repeats |
2 June 2025 (Monday) |
Start of Examination Period |
20 working day |
Examination Period duration |
30 June 2025 (Monday) |
End of Examination Period |
2 July 2025, 2pm |
Deadline for entering marks |
Days off (National holiday, spring holiday) |
17 April (Thursday) & 22-25 April 22–25 2025 (Tuesday to Friday) |
Spring Holiday |
18 April 2025 (Friday) |
Good Friday |
21 April 2025 (Monday) |
Easter Monday |
1 May 2025 (Thursday) |
Labour Day |
9 June 2025 (Monday) |
Pentecost Monday[MJ1] |
Arrangements for the management of students' academic affairs, opening times
Students can manage their study matters at the Central Academic Office (KTH), which is located on the ground floor of the BME R building (1111 Budapest, 7-9, Budapest University of Technology). Detailed information is available on the KTH website: https://www.kth.bme.hu/en/.
Opening times:
- Monday: 9-15
- Tuesday: 11-15
- Wednesday: 8-16:30
- Thursday: 9-15
- Friday: 8-12
The IMT was created to help international scholarship holders (SH, SCYP and Diaspora) and foreign students to settle in Budapest. It provides assistance with the mandatory administrative steps and organises a range of cultural and professional events for international students. https://www.imt.bme.hu/
Educational programmes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The details of each educational programme are set out in the following documents:
- the recommended curriculum for students enrolled in the given period of study, which contains the subjects and units of study of the areas of knowledge specified in the training and outcome requirements, broken down by the period of study specified in the training and outcome requirements,
- prior learning obligations,
- the name of the subjects, number of classes, credit value, code, number of semesters in the recommended curriculum, classification as compulsory elective subjects.
Computer Engineering BSc: BSC_CE_20230703.pdf
Electrical Engineering BSc: BSC_EE_20230703.pdf
Computer Engineering MSc: MSC_CE_20230825.pdf
Electrical Engineering MSC_EE_20230809.pdf
In addition to the above, detailed information is provided for each subject in the form of a subject descriptor (TAD) which includes the following: the person responsible for the subject, the lecturer(s) of the subject, the aim of the subject's professional content, the subject's learning requirements, assessment methods and timetable for measuring the acquired knowledge, (sub)skills and (sub)competences, the classification of the subject as compulsory, compulsory elective or optional, study aids available for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences, and the recommended literature. The current version of the TADs can be found at https://portal.vik.bme.hu/english/students/subjects.
Scheduling information (date, place) of the subjects and courses offered in the current semester can be found in the Neptun study system (https://neptun.bme.hu/hallgatoi/login.aspx). The schedule information of the announced courses valid on 27.06.2024 can be found in Courses_EN_2024_25_1_20240627.xlsx
Overview tables for each semester, elective courses and the schedule of examinations can be found on the faculty's website (https://vik.bme.hu/en/students/).
For the fall semester of the academic year 2024/25, the following courses will be offered as of 08.2024.
The data in the table may change slightly before the beginning of the semester, so it is recommended to consult the timetable in the Neptun study system.
How to apply for the final exam, the parts of the final exam
Final examination regulations of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics:
BSc Thesis, Final Examination, and Degree Certificate: BSC_Thesis_regulations_20190316.pdf
MSc Thesis, Final Examination, and Degree Certificate: MSC_Thesis_regulations_20190206.pdf